Annual General Meeting of Gerresheimer AG approves dividend of EUR 0.65 per share

Düsseldorf, April 18, 2013 – A dividend of EUR 0.65 per share was approved at the Annual General Meeting of Gerresheimer AG held today in Düsseldorf. The company, a leading partner to the pharma and healthcare industry, presented a strong set of results for financial year 2012.

“In financial year 2012, our business with the pharmaceutical industry once again achieved strong growth rates and proved to be relatively immune to economic cycles. Sales of primary packaging glass as well as plastic products and drug delivery devices developed very dynamically. Our strategy is geared to sustained, profitable growth. We plan to further extend our leading position in Europe and North America and generate strong growth in emerging markets,” said Uwe Röhrhoff, CEO of Gerresheimer AG, summarizing the strategy at the Annual General Meeting.

The dividend of EUR 0.65 per share will be paid out on April 19, 2013. In the prior year, a dividend of EUR 0.60 per share was distributed.

The following resolutions were adopted at the Annual General Meeting, at which some 69.42 percent of the share capital was represented:

ITEM 2:Appropriation of the retained earnings for financial year 2012: 99.99 percent votes in favor
ITEM 3:Formal approval of the actions of the Management Board for financial year 2012: 98.28 percent votes in favor
ITEM 4:Formal approval of the actions of the Supervisory Board for financial year 2012: 97.44 percent votes in favor
ITEM 5:Election of the auditor for financial year 2013: 99.96 percent votes in favor

The speech delivered at the Annual General Meeting is available at: Annual General Meeting

The online annual report is available at: Annual Report

About Gerresheimer

Gerresheimer is a leading international manufacturer of high-quality specialty products made of glass and plastic for the global pharma and healthcare industry. Our comprehensive product portfolio extends from pharmaceutical vials to complex drug delivery systems such as syringe systems, insulin pens and inhalers for safe medication dosage and application. Together with our partners, we develop groundbreaking solutions that set standards across the industry.

With some 11,000 employees at 47 locations in Europe, North and South America and Asia, our Group generates revenues of around EUR 1.2bn. We are systematically expanding our strong market position through first-rate technologies, compelling innovations and selective investment.



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