Gerresheimer apprentice receives award for examination results

Nikolai Löschner at the awards event for apprentices with the best grades in the CI&C Würzburg-Schweinfurt Mainfranken 2015 examination
Nikolai Löschner at the awards event for apprentices with the best grades in the CI&C Würzburg-Schweinfurt Mainfranken 2015 examination
Nikolai Löschner at the awards event for apprentices with the best grades in the CI&C Würzburg-Schweinfurt Mainfranken 2015 examination
Nikolai Löschner at the awards event for apprentices with the best grades in the CI&C Würzburg-Schweinfurt Mainfranken 2015 examination
Nikolai Löschner at the awards event for apprentices with the best grades in the CI&C Würzburg-Schweinfurt Mainfranken 2015 examination
Nikolai Löschner at the awards event for apprentices with the best grades in the CI&C Würzburg-Schweinfurt Mainfranken 2015 examination

Nikolai Löschner achieved the highest grade in the Main-Spessart region‘s final apprenticeship examination for industrial process electricians

Düsseldorf/Lohr, November 16, 2015. Nikolai Löschner hasn’t just passed his industrial process electrician apprenticeship examination, he also achieved the highest grade in the Würzburg-Schweinfurt Mainfranken Chamber of Industry and Commerce’s examination for the Main-Spessart region. He and the other young people who received the top grades in other regions were presented with their awards on 7 October 2015.

This is an excellent result and Nikolai definitely didn’t achieve it through revision alone. It‘s also a reflection of his interest in the subject. “I’ve always been a big technology fan and I’ve done several electrician work experience programs.“ Nikolai’s father is employed with Gerresheimer, which is why Nikolai chose to do an apprenticeship there.

He found the theoretical and practical aspects of the apprenticeship very interesting, and they provided him with the foundations for his excellent final examination result. “What I enjoyed most about the apprenticeship is that electricity is such as fascinating subject. Although it can be very dangerous if you don’t handle it properly, it also helps people in many areas of their lives,” said Nikolai. His trainers gave him a lot of help and support while he was preparing and revising for the examination.

Now Nikolai Löschner has both achieved and surpassed his aim of gaining a vocational qualification. “I was a bit nervous, but also very proud to have won the award,“ he said afterwards at the award presentation event.

Nikolai Löschner likes to keep fit at the gym and ride his motorbike outside work. He’s also a member of the voluntary fire brigade. In future he’d like to gain further qualifications in his occupation and is planning to enroll at technical college.

He highly recommends his occupation to other people. “If this is the occupation you want to be in, you have to be interested in technology and where electricity comes from, and manual dexterity is also useful,“ said Nikolai to potential future apprentices.

In addition to apprenticeship programs for industrial electricians, Gerresheimer Lohr offers apprenticeships for glass process engineers, technical product designers and industrial mechanics. B.A. degree courses in mechanical engineering and industrial engineering are also possible in cooperation with Gerresheimer. The company currently has 15 apprentices and four B.A. students who are hoping to achieve just as good grades as Nikolai Löschner.About


Gerresheimer is a leading global partner to the pharma and healthcare industries. The company’s special glass and plastic products contribute to health and well-being. Gerresheimer is a global organization with 11,000 employees and manufacturing operations in the local markets, close to customers. It has over 40 production facilities in Europe, North and South America and Asia generating revenue in excess of EUR 1.3 billion. The comprehensive product portfolio includes pharmaceutical packaging products as well as convenient and safe drug delivery systems such as insulin pens, inhalers, pre-fillable syringes, vials, ampoules, bottles and containers for liquid and solid pharmaceuticals with closure and safety systems, plus cosmetic packaging products.