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Gerresheimer Bünde honors its long-serving members of staff
Gerresheimer Bünde honors its long-serving members of staff
Gerresheimer Bünde honors its long-serving members of staff

Gerresheimer Bünde honors its long-serving members of staff

Bünde, December 11, 2017. At Gerresheimer’s Bünde site, it is tradition for long-serving members of staff to be honored each year. This year, the celebration took place on November 24 at the Moor Ranch by lake Hücker Moor. Over 30 employees who have been at the company for ten and 25 years celebrated this year. The highlight, however, was Jörg Fröhlich’s 40 years of loyal cooperation.

 “So much has changed in production that there is just no comparison between then and now,” says Jörg Fröhlich. A plastics engineer by training, he worked for a total of 30 years in plastics production followed by ten years in glass production. “When the machines in our sister plant were relocated to Poland, I spent half a year there supporting the employees on site,” explains Jörg Fröhlich. “All the years that I was with Gerresheimer, I also enjoyed working there.”